Michael Keaton (Batman) delivers a critically acclaimed performance as Artie Lewis, an honest and dedicated police detective in this suspenseful, action-filled movie. Keaton becomes the legal guardian of three orphaned girls when his partner (Anthony LaPaglia, CSI, Crime Scene Investigation, Without A Trace) is killed in a drug raid., During his investigation of the vicious drug ring responsible, Keaton finds his life – and that of his family – on the line! He’s determined to protect them at all costs and in a fiery climax, he learns what it takes to be One Good Cop!

“One distinctly different kind of cop movie!

–NBC-TV, Los Angeles

“Mr. Gould has a real flair for the latter sequences, which are genuinely suspenseful and involve such lively flourishes as biting rats and crazed crackheads.”
–Janet Maslin, The New York Times